Friday, June 23, 2017

This is a test of my first post to launch my blog for my South African Fulbright Journey.


  1. I look forward to reading your postings and learning about your adventures

  2. Thank you for keeping a blog! I am looking forward to hearing about your time in South Africa!

  3. Oh Mary!! super best of luck and life in your coming year!! Looking forward to this blog! xoxoxmm

  4. We'll be keeping an eye on you...

  5. I love to hear of your adventures..... and to get a feel of the landscape there. It is unfortunate that it is dangerous, but at least you are alerted to it. I'm excited for you as you embrace this new challenge!

  6. How exciting for you! I am a friend of one of your sisters who I am trying to talk into visiting South Africa. Is there a way to become a follower of your blog? My partner and I have a travel blog: I am looking forward to visiting your blog throughout your stay.

  7. Wonderful to hear that you've landed and are safely ensconced---way to go Mary! Keep these blogs coming---they're descriptive, lovely, and informative, on many levels---thinking of you often!!! xoxmarge

  8. Dear Mary
    So glad to hear you are on to another life adventure! Best wishes and look forward to hearing about your year abroad! Making a difference, as always! Diane

  9. Hey Mary, found you! whether you like it or not! : ) Look forward to reading about your adventure. xoM
